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This page is a selection of strong works of art that I have made in 2013-2016.



Year of production:2014

Running Time: 5:50 min


Women can be powerful and sexually represented in a positive way without being seen as incorrect or inappropriate. The chosen attire and make-up was a decision made to reinforce femininity while I established power through pain done unto myself. The symbol I inflicted onto my body is a diamond with a plus inside representing a vagina and positivity associated with it to create a meaning of positivity with sexual activity.



Year of production:2014

Running Time: 1:57 min


Playful and gentle, it is an experience that most can either relate to or be drawn to with the gentle waving of the fabric and the sounds of the beach. It was meant to be an experiential piece and is also a playful way to depict water, though it becomes disrupted with the presence of a woman. This video plays with the boundary of voyeurism because of the vulnerability and exposure of the woman, but is my own attempt to neutralize the charge caused by viewing woman.


*This piece was acquired by GVSU's collection in 2015*

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